Well it's a new year and I wanted to say Happy New Year!! Let me start off by saying that the very first verse I read for the New Year was Micah 6:8:
He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
I made it til 12:00 a.m. but was fast asleep by 12:30 lol. Right after the New Year though I opened my bible and that is the verse I came to. Can you think of anything better than that? I know my wishing you a Happy New Year is a few days late but I never post on the holidays. It's time that I spend with my family and so that is why I am late. Here is a poem I wanted to share with you also:
A New Year's Poem for Christians
Instead of making a New Year's resolution
Consider committing to a biblical solution
Your promises are easily broken
Empty words, though earnestly spoken
But God's Word transforms the soul
By His Holy Spirit making you whole
As you spend time alone with Him
He will change you from within
-- Mary Fairchild
Instead of making a New Year's resolution
Consider committing to a biblical solution
Your promises are easily broken
Empty words, though earnestly spoken
But God's Word transforms the soul
By His Holy Spirit making you whole
As you spend time alone with Him
He will change you from within
-- Mary Fairchild
I don't make New Years Resolutions. They are forgotten by the end of the week. I also feel like since my path is led by God then it is He, not I, that will lead me the way in which I should go.
Does that mean that I might finally open my Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred that I bought back in August when my friends Rachel and Lianne (she mostly Tweeted about it!) were doing it? Or that I will finally get back on my treadmill? Or that I will finally ride my new stationary bike that I got for Christmas 2008 and I've only rode once? I'm not sure! If I feel like it I might do it. If not I may not. We'll just have to see what the Lord leads me to do!
I am just going to live day by day and try to handle every situation the way He would want me to. Philippians 4:6 has really become my daily verse. I say it to myself several times a day. It calms me!
Do not be anxious about anything,
but in every situation,
by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving,
present your request to God!
I am doing the Proverbs in 31 Days Challenge held by Crosspoint.tv we are on day 4 so it's not too late to hop over and join!!
I need to get back to work now and to give my daughter a call. She is having a little bit of an emotional day so think about her and pray a little prayer for her! Hope you all have a wonderful blessed New Years!
Have a blessed day!

Hi Valerie,
Very, very nice New Years post. I agree with everything you say about resolutions and letting God set our course.
By the way, I also have the 30 day shred...wow, what a workout. I did it 3 whole times!
Happy New Year,
P.S I was your secret santa. Hope you liked everything. I got an email saying we could "reveal" ourselves but I wasn't on the computer much as we had a lot of company for my dad's 80th. HO,HO,HO:-)
That's a GREAT verse to start the new year! I haven't even finished my Christmas posts yet...if that tells you how far behind I am. :) And I'm with you on the whole resolution thing. Granted, I need to get back on the exercise bandwagon, and I hope I can stay committed this time. Only time (and my body) will tell!
Hey, Happy New Year, Valerie! Our little church has been studying in Phillipians. I too love those verses regarding being anxious for nothing. I have recently really been thinking through those verses. For the first time, it really hit me that making your petitions known to God does not mean you will get what you want or that life will be pleasant. It means that whatever the case, God will see you and love you right through it just as we love our children through the things that we sometimes must make them do for their own good. I find such comfort in that. We submit our petitions just our children make their preferences known. And God knows what is good for us much more than we can know or predict what is good for our kids. Just my two cents! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Friend! I look forward to learning more about you this year my wonderful bloggy buddy!
Very nice :-) I can't help but have that Veggie Tales song in my head now, "Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly, walk humbly with your God..."
I don't set goals either, I feel it's a continuous process. It is nice to look back and see changes or growth-- plus it's more positive than focusing on not meeting some insane goal we've set.
Happy New Year Valerie!
Happy New Year!
(I totally fell asleep on the couch by 9pm...)
May you have a blessed 2010!!
So happy we have found one another in the blogosphere. I love what you have here! Wonderful! I'm still reading through some of your older posts, but I love it!
What a great post! I make a few resolutions every year, but really just live my life day by day. And there is no better way to live than by allowing God to have total and complete control. Good luck with the Shred. I'm doing it now and Jillian is killer. :) Hope you'll stop by again soon!
Happy New Year's to you and yours!! This Micah verse is on my bedroom wall, timeless. Love your view point, VERY empowering:) I'm copying that poem! Blessings to you all year long:)
Happy New Year Valerie. What a lovely way to start out the new year of blog posts!
I hope your daughter is doing okay...
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