Then on Sunday I have a baby shower to go to. One of the girls that went to high school with my daughter. I try not to intrude with her and her friends but when they request that I come I just love it!! It really is weird at times. I spent forever running my daughter around with some of her friends or chaperoning at events, spending time with them at competitions out of state and really becoming close to a lot of them. Then they graduate and move on with their lives. I hear my daughter talking about seeing them or talking to them and I find myself asking her all kinds of questions because I realize I miss seeing and being around her and her friends. I see a lot of them on her Facebook page but I never friend them. I just feel like it's not my place to. But when they friend me of course I accept and I am so excited that I have to chat them up a bit. lol
I also miss their parents. I have become really good friends and close to a lot of them. Some have moved away, some I see around town. But it's just not the same as seeing them every practice or game or event. You really do miss that when they have grown. Of course I keep in touch with them on Facebook, Myspace and email but it's not the same. I ran into a good friend just the other night at our local gas station and we talked for a good 45 minutes. lol Fun seeing her and enjoyed catching up.
So I brought all of that up because my friend that I went to high school with invited us to see her daughter perform Monday night out our high school. Her daughter is doing Winterguard this year. Now my daughter was big into Winterguard it was with this team (& Colorguard) where I became close with a lot of the families. They are called Estetica and when my daughter did it they won 3 SCGC Championships in their division. A real big deal! I am not sure what they have done since my daughter graduated (2003) but I was excited to learn that they have so many girls now that they have both a Senior Winterguard and a Junior Winterguard - that is amazing! Here is a performance from last year, it is a competition performance. (not the one we seen Monday night.)
It is really awesome to see it in person. If you ever get the chance you need to! I forgot to mention that our city was so proud of our Winterguard that they designated May 23rd as Estetitica Winterguard day!! Now that is quite the honor!!
I am once again participating in Friday Follow this week. Hop on over and link up. This blog hop is hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades!
Have a blessed day!

I'm glad it's Friday too, Happy Friday Follow. I'm following you now!!
Hi there.
My daughter use to do guard.
Stopping by from Friday Followers to say hello.
Have a great day!
Impressive! Color guard has really changed since I was in high school.
That video was amazing!
I loved reading about how close you are with your daughter and her friends and their families...
Hi, found your great blog through Fri Follow. I'm now following!
I'm already following from FF and would love to have you stop by and follow me!
Didn't realize you were in AL! We moved from near Mobile to west TX to start a vineyard. Our house is still for sale there!
Happy Follow Friday! I am returning the follow. Thanks so much visiting my blog and leaving your honest and encouraging comment to my post today. It is much appreciated!
Hope to get to know you better!
The Amazing Life of Z. Camille
Hi Val. I would be more than happy to share some points of what I've learned and how I started blog designing. I tried to find a contact e-mail for you, but was unsuccessful. If you want to just send me your e-mail address, you can reach me at Hope to hear from you soon.
Blogger Chix Designs
Following from FF!!
Have great weekend! :)
Happy Friday Follow ... on Saturday! I'm your newest following friend. I'd love for you to drop by my blog sometime & follow me. While you're there, you can enter to win a 10x10 Photographic Print by Red Leaf Photography that is amazing!! I hope to see you around soon!!
Hi just stopping in to say Hi from Friday Follow!
Happy Friday!
Wanted to thank you for stopping by!
And let you know I LOVED the indoor guard video.
Brought back fond memories from my own competitions in Silk Squad and Indoor Guard in high school...
I hop emy daughter lets me be around her and her friends when she is a teenager. It is great that you are still close with her. Following from SITS.
Great show! My son is a band director, and hosts winterguard, plus he was in winterguard in his own high school, so well I know the time and effort these kids (and parents) put into it.
Happy Friday Follow! following you...wanna know something random? I went to Hoover High School, great guard performance!
Hey there! I'm a new follower from Friday Follow. Hope to see you around my blog sometime! And please feel free to check out one of my most current giveaways for 1 of 3 Xbox 360 games and for a 25$ walmart gift card.
Take Care.
-Amanda T
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