Sunday, December 07, 2008

Grandparenting Time

Hello Everyone,

ROLL TIDE TOLL!!!!! We didn't win but I am proud of our boys!! We have the same record as Florida but will have to pull for them in the National Championship game. Wow what a game but the CRIMSON TIDE has had a great season! Sugar bowl here we come! Congratulations to all the players, coaches and to the BAMA NATION! Congratulations to Florida.

So today we are getting our grandbaby for the day. We are going to go visiting the great grandparents and the aunties and cousins. Once again I am so grateful to my daughter and SIL for letting us get him as much as we do. I only say this because I actually know people whose children do not ever let them have their grandchildren. I understand some of their children's reasons, a lot of them don't because their parents don't make the children mind. They let them brake all of the rules and then send them home. This is really only hurting the children cause when they get home they misbehave and get in trouble.

As grandparents we have to abide by our children's rules for their children. I may not always agree with them but they are their children. I remember how I use to get mad with my mom for telling me I should do this or that. So when my grandchild is with me I have my own rules and I have my daughters. I would hate to think that because of me he gets in trouble when he goes home because I was lax in grandparenting him (is there such a word? lol). Of course I am no expert, I have only been a Grammy for a year, however this is the main reason I have heard for kids not letting their parents keep their kids. I think it's sad because I would hate it if my daughter wouldn't let me keep my Ray.

Speaking of my Ray he is already jumping from the couch, rolling on the ground and jumping up and laughing. Like a commando. Now I just think that he is way to young for this kind of activity. I only had one girl, no boys, but I don't even remember my nephews doing that until they were at least 2. Any of you mom's with boys, did any of yours do this at such an early age? If so, how in the world am I going to keep up with him? lol

I do look forwad to the day he can say Grammy. He already says Nana, Papa and Paw. So that covers all the grandparents but me. He calls me "Duck". Speaking of grandparents before Josh's grandmother died last month, Ray had 16 grandparents, great-grandparents and step-grandparents. All of which love to spoil him. He can even say a couple of their names like Gigi and Pops. So why can't he at least say Gram or Gam instead of "Duck"? I guess I should feel lucky though everybody else is "Dog".

I guess I need to go, got to make sure the house is child proof so that Ray can have the run of it. Hope everyone has a great Sunday.

Have a blessed day!


Tiffany said...

Saying hi from SITS. What a great grandparent you are! I hope I can remember that when I have grandkids - quite a few years from now since my oldest is only 16. Thanks for your insight!

Anonymous said...

I think Duck is an adorable name!

tam said...

I think Duck is so cute and original! Wonder if it might evolve into grammy duck? LoL-that would be so cute! But the fact that he calls you something different shows that he is regonizing you and giving you importance for him.
Mt two boys were like your lil man! Well actually they were worth two boys each I'm tellin ya!Some people say girls are harder-no way for me it was those always movin, daredevil boys!!! But I sure do love them even if they did take many years off me! LoL!
My granddaughter is going to be three this month-oh how the time flys!!! Enjoy your grammy time today!
Smiles~Tam :D

BeckettFan's Tales said...

Duck, that is an interesting name! I like it!! Just stopping by from SITS! you might know my good buddy Kori!! Bama did fight hard but we can come back better than ever next year with great practice and effort!! Saban Rocks!!

Honey Mommy said...

Sounds like you are a great grandparent! It's nice that you understand that even though they are your children's children... they aren't YOURS!

Good thing my parents understand that too!

That Janie Girl said...

I bet you ROCK as a grandparent!

Anna Lefler said...

I bet you had a blast with your grandbaby today!

Enjoy and happy holidays...

:^) Anna

Heather said...

aw. i bet you duck is gonna stick... :)

i actually think it is quite normal for boys to be doing that kind of stuff, even at his age. the kids i work with are 18-36 months and they are a handful. always running around falling down and (trying) to tackle each other. so much different then the girls... :)

Ronnica said...

Sorry y'all didn't win. I was rooting for you (one of my good bloggy friends is Jen @ Dust Bunny Hostage). Now we (I'm a Sooner) get to face Florida in the championship game...this'll be a challenge!