Friday, August 17, 2012

Hello! Anyone there?

I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted. This year has just flown by hasn't it? I am not going to play catch up on this post though. Time just seems to have got away with me. I remember when there wasn't a day that I wouldn't write a post. Or even a day I would go without reading others posts. Now I find it very rare I am even on the internet. I do try to get on Facebook but really I'm not even on there as much as I use to be. I have been looking at my blog a couple of times a month. I guess just to make sure it's still here.

I got a little sad last night and a little happy too. My oldest grandson is off to K4 next week. Last night he had his orientation and that is why the mixed emotions. They came over here afterwards to pick up my youngest grandson and after they left I felt like blogging. So here I am!

First just a little picture of my little man at orientation.

He is just sooo excited about going to school. He’s the tallest in his class, just like his momma was. He is also attending the same K4 school his mom attended. I remember so clearly when she was going there, can’t hardly believe my grandchild is going there now. It’s a wonderful school and my daughter’s niece went there a couple of years ago. So we know it’s still as good as it was when I sent my daughter there. She was reading before the end of the year and as a result always got good grades.

I have a few things I want to blog about but like I said earlier not this post. I hope to be back by Monday and try to get back into the habit of blogging again. I have missed my blogging friends and hope to get back to catching up on their lives. Until later y’all

Have a blessed day!



Mrs. M said...

Nice to hear from you! I think my daughter Hannah is going to be the tallest in her class for quite some time into the future. She towers over most of her friends! :-)

yonca said...

He is so cute:)Time goes so fast. I remember first school day of my son.I still can't believe he is 11 this year.
Have a great weekend!